Dornod Mongol – Menen Steppe

Baldan Bereeven Monastery (Mongolian: Балдан бэрээвэн хийд) is a Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) Buddhist monastery located in the Baruun Jargalant River valley Ömnödelger district, Khentii Province, Mongolia. First established in 1654, the monastery grew to be one of the largest and most important in Mongolia at its height in the mid 19th century, housing up to […]

Delüün Boldog – Birthplace of Genghis Khan

Dadal  – the birthplace of Genghis Khan – Temuujin (Genghis Khan) was born into the family of Yesugei Baatar in 1162 at a place called Deluun Boldog by the Onon river in Dadal soum of Khentii aimag. Beginning from 1185, Temuujin directed a military campaign to unite the Mongolian people, which was at that time […]

Dornod Mongol – Menen Steppe

The Menen steppe is the largest in the country and is located in Dornod province. The grasslands are located west of Buir Lake and are over 90 km long and over 60 km wide. The grasslands have been home to abundant grazing plants, antelopes, wolves, and rare animals. Mongolian antelopes usually graze, and hundreds of […]

Blue Lake (Khokh Nuur)

This lake is situated in Khan Khentii National Park and surrounded forested Mountains. A fresh water Lake Khukh which consists of 2 lakes, linked underground, is located on south of Mount Kharzurkh 1675m above sea level. Area around the lake is a place of natural beauty surrounded by a mountain and is abundant of various […]

Khan Khentii Mountain National Park

The Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area is located in the Khentii Mountains, declared by UNESCO as world heritage site and includes the sacred Burkhan Khaldun mountain. This is considered to be the birthplace of Genghis Khan, as well as one of the rumored locations of his tomb. Khan Khentii is covered with forests and mountain […]