Khushuu Tsaidam Monuments

This museum was built in 2010 by resolution of Mongolian Government. Khushuu Tsaidam Monument to Bilge Khaan and Kul Tegin, dated back to 732 AD, were found 47 km to the northwest of Kharkhorin, part of the Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape UNESCO world heritage site. This collection of historical heritage includes stone monuments with runic […]

Tuvkhun Monastery

Tövkhön Monastery, one of Mongolia’s oldest Buddhist monasteries, is located on the border of Övörkhangai Province and Arkhangai Province in central Mongolia, about 47 km (29 mi) southwest of Kharkhorin. Tövkhön Monastery was first established in 1648, by the 14-year-old Zanabazar, the first Jebtsundamba Khutuktu and spiritual head of Mongolian Tibetan Buddhism. He determined that […]

Kharakorum & Erdenezuu Monastery

Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire between 1235 and 1260 and of the Northern Yuan dynasty in the 14–15th centuries. Its ruins lie in the northwestern corner of the Övörkhangai Province of modern-day Mongolia, near today’s town of Kharkhorin and adjacent to the Erdene Zuu Monastery, the probably earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in […]

Hustai National Park

The 90,000 hectare Hustai Nuruu National Park, set 60 miles southwest of Ulaanbaatar, is home to the world’s only naturally surviving wild horse. The Przewalski horse (or takhi in Mongolian) has been successfully reintroduced into the wild and has a light yellow coat and a short, stiff black mane. Each horse is approximately 250cm long, […]

Manzushir Monastery

Manzushir Monastery is located in the valley of the Bogd Khan Mountain National Park. It was established in 1733 with 20 temples and 300 monks. Destroyed in 1932, the only remaining temple has been restored and a museum at the site tells the story of the Monastery. The surrounding area is perfect for walking through […]

Ariyabal Meditation Temple

Aryaval meditation centre is located within Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, about 10 kilometres (6,21 miles) from the entrance. From the turtle rock, you can make a pleasant hike (about 45 minutes). The temple is surrounded by scenic mountains with interesting rock formations. To get to the top, you would cross the suspension bridge and climb up […]

Terelj National Park

Terelj National Park is one of the most visited and interesting national parks of Mongolia. It is located in the valley of the Terelj River (Terelj Gol), approximately 66 km from the Ulaanbaatar city center. The National Park is by its natural beauty, forested alpine mountains and interesting rock formations such as Turtle Rock. During […]

Genghis Khan Statue Complex

The Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue, part of the Genghis Khan Statue Complex, is a 40-metre (130 ft) tall, stainless steel statue of Genghis Khan on horseback and the world’s tallest equestrian statue. It is connected with Ulaanbaatar by a paved road with 54km. There is a recreation area, restaurants, and souvenir shops occupy the base […]

International Intellectual Museum

The museum displays over 11,000 pieces of intellectual property from 130 countries around the world. All items are sorted into 15 subcategories to create a friendly environment for visitors. Guides are available to all visitors along with explanations of the exhibits. It is an attractive and fun museum where you can not only look at […]

Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum

The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum is an art museum located in Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia, and founded in 1966. It exhibits collections of Mongolian masters of fine arts from the 18th to the 20th century and works in cooperation with the UNESCO for improving the presentation of its collections.The museum is named after the religious […]