The Mongolian Yak Festival is an annual event held in Mongolia that celebrates the importance of yaks in the nomadic culture. It’s held each year on the 23rd of July, in Orkhon Valley, in Bat Ulzii sum, province of Ovorkhangai. The festival is an opportunity for visitors to experience the nomadic way of life and learn about the various uses of yaks, from transportation to food and clothing.


One of the highlights of the festival is the Yak Race, where nomads showcase their skills in racing yaks. Visitors can also observe traditional yak-herding activities such as milking, wool shearing, and loading yaks with goods. The festival also features a variety of food stalls and markets selling local handicrafts and souvenirs, as well as nomadic foods such as roasted meats and dairy products made from yak milk.


In addition to the cultural and entertainment aspects of the festival, there is also an educational component. The festival provides a platform for visitors to learn about the importance of preserving the yak population and its ecosystem, and raises awareness about the challenges faced by nomads in maintaining the traditional way of life.


In conclusion, the Mongolian Yak Festival is a unique and exciting event that offers a glimpse into the nomadic culture and the significance of yaks in the lives of the nomads. Whether you’re interested in yaks, nomadic culture, or simply in experiencing something different, the Mongolian Yak Festival is a must-visit event.